🛐 Daily Prayer: "Our Father in heaven, we offer prayer for those who never think of you; who, though created by you, are strangers to you"
🛐 Daily Prayer: "O Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness, come to you for all supplying all of our needs."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "The Son of God had no relationship to us until he chose to assume one out of his infinite compassion. There was no more relation between him and us than between the potter and the clay."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "We ascribe all honor and glory to you, for every good gift and every perfect gift, is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "Glorious God, there are many of us who can bless you that we know you. There was a time when we lived in your world but had never known the Creator."