Pray with Spurgeon
Grow your prayer life with Spurgeon — Daily newsletter from SpurgeonBooks
📬 Weekend Edition: "Who can refrain from speaking of the marvelous love of Jesus which, I hope, has opened my eyes!"
🛐 Daily Prayer: "We have sinned ourselves into misery, unless grace rescues us from it."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus"
🛐 Daily Prayer: "Even our poor frankincense and myrrh shall not be unaccepted; you will receive it through Jesus Christ, the great High Priest."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "We must confess that we deserve your wrath and to be banished forever from your presence. But you have made a new covenant."
📬 Weekend Edition: “Bring them to Christ somehow, that he may see of the rewards of his suffering.”
🛐 Daily Prayer: "You are our creator, preserver, benefactor; all good comes from you."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "Faithful creator, we trust you to keep us safe."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "There was a time when we lived in your world but had never known the Creator. We were partakers of your providence but we did not know the Provider."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "We owe our very existence entirely to you."
🛐 Daily Prayer: "It is you who made us and not we ourselves; we are your people and the sheep of your pasture."
📬 Weekend Edition: “We cannot even pray rightly without you. We have no strength without you.”
🛐 Daily Prayer: "We have no crowns, not even of silver and gold, but as you have graciously given, we will willingly lay all at your feet"