We worship the God of all mercy

May this be our one hope, that Jesus died and rose again, and that for his sake we are accepted in the Beloved.

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, when we have praised you, we have to cover our face and feet and stand before you to worship in another fashion, for we confess that we are evil, evil in our original, and though renewed by sovereign grace your people cannot speak of being clean, rid of sin. There is sin which dwells in us which is our daily plague.

O God, we humble ourselves before you. We ask that our faith may clearly perceive the blood of the atonement and the covering of the perfect righteousness of Christ; and may we come afresh, depending alone on Jesus. “I, the chief of sinners am, but Jesus died for me.” May this be our one hope, that Jesus died and rose again, and that for his sake we are accepted in the Beloved.



“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:20)

Let our desires and efforts go after heavenly things. These are not liable to any decay within themselves, nor can they be taken from us by force or fraud. Does not wisdom bid us seek such sure possessions? Out of our earthly possessions which are used for God is laid up in heaven. What is given to the poor and to the Lord’s cause is deposited in the Bank of Eternity. To heaven we are going; let us send our treasures before us. There they will be safe from decay, and robbery: but in no other place may we reckon them to be secure.


A Book to Help Kids Understand God’s Forgiveness

Today we prayed, praising God for his wonderful, forgiving mercy that holds onto us no matter how much we sin. Even though we sin, we don’t have to hide from God — his grace is enough to cover our sins.

Recently, my family has been loving a new kids’ book by Melissa Kruger, His Grace is Enough: How God Makes it Right When We’ve Got it Wrong. This book unpacks this crucial message of God’s grace and invites our sinful children to run towards God, not away from him.

His Grace is Enough invites children to know and rest in the sin-forgiving love of God, shown in Christ. It’s a serious, wonderful, joy-filled message, but the book is really fun, with engaging illustrations that help kids understand the message.

If you have preschoolers in your life, I know you’ll want to buy a copy (or two, to use as gifts!) — I hope you’ll add it to your family’s library today.