When Christ is King Everywhere...

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Let the chains of slavery be loosed forever; let liberty reign everywhere. Let the return of Christ soon arrive."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Let all nations know their God. Wherever there are wars and strife, let them cease. Let the chains of slavery be loosed forever; let liberty reign everywhere. Let the return of Christ soon arrive. Let the idols be dashed in pieces; let all false foundations be brought to the ground and may he come whose right it is to reign.

Oh Jesus, the world has waited long. When will you stop the ruin? When will you establish the righteous things and cast down all evil? When will you come to be king of kings and lord of lords? Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, our savior, be glory forever and ever, for Jesus Christ’s sake.



“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17)

Unto him be glory on earth and glory in heaven, honour from all of us poor imperfect beings, and glory from us when he shall have made us perfectly meet to behold his face. Come, lift up your hearts, you saved ones! Begin at once the songs which shall never cease. Come, poor sinner, out of the depths and extol him who descended into the depths for you!


This week, we’re praying for the Lisi of Chad.

The Old Testament prophets speak of a day when “Many peoples and strong nations will come to seek the LORD of Armies in Jerusalem and to plead for the LORD’s favor” (Zechariah 8:22). The Lisi cannot seek the Lord Jesus because they have never heard of him.

Pray that the gospel would reach the Lisi for the first time.


Is Christ the King of Your Home?

This week, our prayers have focused on the glorious good news that Jesus is our king. This good news should fill us with joy, but it should also sober us: Do we actually submit to Christ in every sphere of our lives? Parents, we need to ask ourselves is Christ the king of our home?

Here’s one way I like to put it: Is God just a PART of your family’s life or the CENTER of your family’s life?

Forming your household into a God Centered Family, where Christ reigns as King over every moment, seems like an impossible task, but it really isn’t. The secret to making God the CENTER of your family’s life is making him the center of every day by cultivating daily rhythms, routines, or habits that actually shape our homes around God and his Word. Our kids aren’t shaped by events that only happen one time — they’re shaped by habits and routines, so let’s make sure our family routines honor Christ as king.

The most important daily habit that any Christian family can have is reading God’s Word together every day. I really believe in this, so I’ve been working on creating a series of family devotionals to help parents make time in the Word happen (and to make it meaningful!).

If you want to see Jesus reign as king of your home (and king of your children’s hearts!), please check out God Centered Family.