Weak sinners, leaning on the strong savior

🛐 Daily Prayer: "May we just lean on Christ as hard as we can, with a full weight of weakness and sin and sorrow, and just swoon away into your eternal love, and there lie passive in his hand."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Take every doubt from the heart of your people; let not a single thought of mistrust abide with any one of us. May we just lean on Christ as hard as we can, with a full weight of weakness and sin and sorrow, and just swoon away into your eternal love, and there lie passive in his hand. To know no will but his and not be active until he makes us so by his own power.



“For he was crucified in weakness, but he lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but in dealing with you we will live with him by God’s power.” (2 Corinthians 13:4)

Power in weakness is the great secret of the gospel mode of working. Life, born of death, is the life of our souls; a life which would never have been in us at all if it had not been for the most cruel death on record, when men crucified the ever-blessed Lord. Our Lord Jesus Christ accomplished his mighty purpose by becoming weak; through his weakness he became able to suffer and to die in order to save us from the reign of sin.


This week, we’re praying for the Grangali of Afghanistan.

The Grangali are a very poor people group. Health care and education are virtually non-existent. Maternal death rates are high.

Pray that Christians who love their neighbors can address the Grangali’s most urgent physical and spiritual needs.


God uses weak parents

Perhaps nothing can show us our weakness as clearly as parenting. When we look at the depth of sin in our children’s hearts, the countless imperfections in our own lives, and the persuasive call of the world, we feel completely inadequate to point our kids to Jesus.

Our children need a better Savior than us. Thankfully, they have one in Christ. You are NOT strong enough to save, grow, or mature your kids, but Jesus is. Amazingly, his plan to do these things in your kids lives is pretty simple — it’s going to happen as his Word is opened, read, and applied to their lives.

That’s why I’ve created a series of family devotionals, God Centered Family, to help parents teach the whole Bible to their kids. I believe that God is going to do amazing things in your family’s life… and he’s going to do them through his Word.