Victory over Satan by the power of God

🛐 Daily Prayer: "It may be we have had great battles of late with Satan or with some old corruption. Make us victorious."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


It may be we have had great battles of late with Satan or with some old corruption. Make us victorious. It may be that some one of your promises even has been too great for us and we have scarcely been able to believe it. Oh God, visit your people. What strange creatures we are! The little world within has its summer and its winter, its heart-quakes, its tornadoes, its storms. Great Master, govern the world of our inner nature as you govern the world of nature, and may we conquer yet.



“Some are like the word sown on the path. When they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word sown in them.” (Mark 4:15)

We may drop a warning to the sinner here, we may speak the passing word of exhortation there, we may stand in the corner of yonder street and declare salvation, or we may occupy the pulpit in Jesus’ name, we may use all the means which ingenuity can devise, but Satan is always as prompt as we are, having his unclean birds always ready to carry away any seeds that may be scattered upon the soil. While men sleeps he sows tares, but he never slumbereth himself. As Hugh Latimer used to say, he is the most industrious bishop in England. Other bishops may neglect their dioceses, but Satan never. He is always making visitations and going from place to place upon his evil business to watch after his black sheep. The sinner’s heart must be carried away by storm if it be ever taken, for there is no hope of taking the Evil Spirit by surprise.


An incredible event for 18–25 year-olds*

At CROSS CON25, 18–25 year-olds will learn about what it really looks like to lay their lives down to serve Jesus. Speakers like David Platt, John Piper, Kevin DeYoung, and more will help you understand God’s purposes in the world (and the unique part that YOU can play in his plan).

I am PUMPED about CROSS CON25. You’ll be amazed at what God does in your life as you learn about his undefeated, undefeatable mission to spread his glory to all of the earth.

If you’re 18–25, be there. Get a group of friends together and find a way to get to Louisville.

If you’re not 18–25, then tell every 18–25 year-old in your church about CROSS CON25.