Trusting the God of Love

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Strengthen our faith, that our love may be strengthened too."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Our Father in heaven, we want to love you more! Sometimes we feel the spirit of adoption, and we can cry “Abba Father;” but there are times when this world creeps in, and when gloomy doubts prevail, and we fear to call you ours. Strengthen our faith, that our love may be strengthened too.

You know all things; you know that we love you. Oh for grace to love you more! We want to have a greater longing, and hungering, and thirsting after Christ. We would not be indifferent to his charms. He has given himself to us. Oh let us not live as though we were destitute of such a treasure.



“‘Why are you troubled?’ he asked them. ‘And why do doubts arise in your hearts?’... But while they still were amazed and in disbelief because of their joy….” (Luke 24:38, 41)

That is a singular combination. At first, they did not believe because of grief; and now the pendulum swings the other way, and they do not believe because of joy. There is a kind of unbelief that is begotten of excessive delight. We know something to be true, and yet there comes the recoil, and the doubt, “Surely it is too good to be true; can it really be so?”

So Jesus asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” (Luke 24:41) That was proof positive that he was still composed of flesh and bones, a real person, and no phantom.


FREE for Parents: Raising Sexually Faithful Kids*

No matter how old your kids are, their brains and consciences are constantly being formed. They are either being conformed to the world or learning God’s ways and being transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12:2). We HAVE TO teach our kids about the most challenging topics, like sex and sexuality.

Thankfully, my friends at Harvest USA have put together a really valuable resource to help you along the way. It’s called “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids.”

This is an incredible online course to help parents talk about sex, sin, and sexuality with their kids. No one is better suited to have these conversations with your kids than you are. This course for parents will help you prepare with a biblical foundation and hands-on tips.