The peace of God keeps us still

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Blessed Lord Jesus, you will never cast away a soul that has cast away everything else for you."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Blessed Lord Jesus, you will never cast away a soul that has cast away everything else for you. You are bound to those who trust you by the bands of your promises that never can be broken. Lord Jesus, cure our sins, and among the rest, take away our fears. Help us to trust you with a simple childlike confidence.

May we have no difficulties, because God is with us. May we have no disturbance, because the peace of God keeps our heart and mind by Christ Jesus. Oh now to take you over again—our life, our health, our righteousness, our all-in-all, from this time forth and even for evermore. Spirit of God—come upon us now, that this may be so with all your people.



“I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, LORD, make me live in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)

He who has the Lord as his God is at home even when he is abroad, he is well guarded even when he has none upon earth to protect him, and he can go to sleep in calm confidence when others would be disturbed in mind and too timid to close their eyes.


This week, we’re praying for the Pacoh of Laos.

The Gospels of Mark and John were translated into their language in the 1960’s, but most Pacoh cannot read.

Pray that missionaries would return to Laos to share the message of Christ.


In a world full of hatred, our kids need the peace of Christ

I saw a survey a few years ago which revealed that depression was the top fear of parents. We really want our kids to be safe and to feel safe. We know that the world is full of hatred and danger and long for our home to be an oasis of peace.

If you want to fill your home with the peace of God, you need to fill it with the word of God. That’s why I created God Centered Family — because I believe that if you make God’s Word the center of your family’s life, he will transform every part of your lives.

Over the last few years, I’ve been writing interactive, usable family devotionals that cover the whole Bible. With an investment of $6 each month and ten minutes each day, you’ll read and discuss the ENTIRE Bible with your kids, who will see God’s powerful work of redemption from Genesis to Revelation.

I can’t think of any better way to fill your home with peace.