Thanking God for trials?

🛐 Daily Prayer: "There is not one out of all our trials which we could have afforded to have been without."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Throughout this year, all of our path has been strewn with mercies, and we desire this morning to record, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,” (Psalm 103:2).

We thank you now in the retrospect for the trials which we have endured. Some of us have been brought very low with physical pain and mental weariness, and others have been sorely smitten with bereavement, losses, and crosses, and persecutions, but there is not one out of all our trials which we could have afforded to have been without.



“It is good to give thanks to the LORD…” (Psalm 92:1)

It is good ethically, for it is the Lord’s right; it is good emotionally, for it is pleasant to the heart; it is good practically, for it leads others to render the same homage. When duty and pleasure combine, who will be backward? To give thanks to God is but a small return for the great benefits which he daily gives us; yet as he by his Spirit calls it a good thing, we must not despise it, or neglect it. We thank men when they oblige us, how much more ought we to bless the Lord when he benefits us. Devout praise is always good, it is never out of season, never superfluous.


This week, we’re praying for the Aimaq of Afghanistan.

The Aimaq are carpet weavers and farmers. Droughts have made their lives very difficult.

Pray that God would provide everything that they need.


Healing for Women Struggling with Sexual Sin*

Women, if you have sinned sexually (in person or in your mind), you are not defined by your past failures. Christ dignifies sexually broken people and he heals sexually sinful people. If you confess your sin, he is faithful to forgive AND to cleanse. He has not DEFINED you by your sin. He will not ABANDON you in your sin.

God is guiding you out of the darkness of sexual sin by the light of his Word.

If you need a trustworthy resource to help you follow Jesus out of sin and into the light, I highly recommend Sexual Faithfulness: Gospel-Infused, Practical Discipleship for Women.

This is a POWERFUL 10-session Bible study for women that is rooted solely on Scripture and based on the biblical model for real transformation (rather than quick fixes).

Whether you are currently in the clutches of sexual sin, making progress in the battle, or looking to help someone else who is struggling — you will not regret grabbing your copy of “Sexual Faithfulness.”

My friends at Harvest USA put this study together and they are giving it away FOR FREE.