Thanking God for the miracle of prayer

🛐 Daily Prayer: "You have promised, ‘Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.’"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. We’ll be back on Monday.

If you’re a parent, don’t forget that ADVENT starts this weekend. Help your kids have a Christ-centered Christmas by preparing them throughout December. My family will be using The King is Coming, a new family devotional from God Centered Family. I hope you’ll grab a copy for your family too!


We do bless you, Lord, for creating the blessed ordinance of prayer. We thank you, Lord, that we have not only found benefit in prayer, but in the answers to it we have been greatly enriched. You have opened your hidden treasures to the voice of prayer; you have supplied our necessities as soon as we have cried out to you; yes, we have found it true: “Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear.”



“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his faithful love endures forever.” (Psalm 107:1)

Thanks is all we can give him, and the least we can give; therefore let us diligently render to him our thanksgiving. Let us be at all times thoroughly fervent in the praises of the Lord, both with our lips and with our lives, by thanksgiving and thanks-living. The Lord is not to be worshiped with groans and cries, but with thanks, for he is good; and these thanks should be heartily rendered, for his is no common goodness: he is good by nature, and essence, and proven to be good in all the acts of his eternity. Compared with him there is none good, no, not one: but he is essentially, perpetually, superlatively, infinitely good. We are the perpetual partakers of his goodness, and therefore ought above all his creatures to magnify his name.


This week, we’re praying for the Aimaq of Afghanistan.

Jesus is at work in Afghanistan and “He will not grow weak or be discouraged until he has established justice on earth” (Isaiah 42:4).

Pray that the reign of Christ will extend to the Aimaq and every tribe in Afghanistan.


Christmas Gift Idea for Christian Men and Women

I’m so thankful to hear testimonies about how God used my resource, The God Centered Husband One-Year Journal, to help a lot of Christian men grow as husbands this year. I’m hopeful that the same will happen THIS year with The God Centered WIFE One-Year Journal.

These hands-on resources give you a blank page to fill out every week to help you consider what burdens your spouse will have this week and how you can help them. 

It also has a lot of bonus features, like 52 conversation starters for couples, a one-year Bible reading plan, weekly devotionals to remind you of Jesus’ love for imperfect husbands and wives.

I hope you’ll grab one for yourself (your spouse will thank you later!)

I also hope you’ll buy copies for all of the married Christians on your shopping list.

God has been at work to make a difference in so many marriages through these journals, so I hope you’ll grab a copy today.

These journals are available on Amazon: