Our sins are many, his mercy is more

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "Here you have displayed yourself more gloriously than ever; your grace has out-graced itself."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, do you wash my feet? Perhaps to some of us this will be the greatest marvel of allā€”the unworthiness of the object of this washing. ā€œDo you wash my feet?ā€ You have favored me with more mercies than most men; you have overwhelmed me with your bounties; and yet my heart is hard towards you: I am often unbelieving, forgetful, slothful, careless. You may well cast me away forever. Because of my ingratitude you may well say, ā€œDepart, I will have no more to do with you; I have been patient long enough; I cannot endure your ill-manners!ā€ Yet do you, Lord, absolutely condescend to wash my feet? Here you have displayed yourself more gloriously than ever; your grace has out-graced itself.



ā€œFor even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.ā€ (Mark 10:45)

Conceive him now in the highest heavens, with the keys of heaven and earth and hell swinging at his side, holding the silver scepter by which he governs all creation; can you conceive him, when every knee bows and every tongue confesses that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father? And yet he, that same one, comes down from the grandeur of heaven, and the splendor of infinite honor, and he washes, absolutely washes, in a slaveā€™s garb and after a menial manner, the feet of his disciples! Oh, that we felt a tender admiration worthy of this miracle of love!


This week, weā€™ve been praising Jesus for washing our feet, a wonderful picture of his forgiving mercy. As parents, weā€™re familiar with washing feet (and even grosser chores). We wash our kids when they are dirty because we love them. We forgive them when they sin because we love them. And that is exactly how Christ approaches us. Jesus washed his disciplesā€™ feet because, ā€œHaving loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the endā€ (John 13:1).

His love is more consistent than ours. It will not run out or change. And because he is the unchanging God, fatigue will never stop him from serving us.

We have been loved by a glorious Savior, letā€™s point our kids to his unshakeable love.

Parents, lead your kids to be lifelong followers of Jesus. Family devotionals from God Centered Family give you everything you need. Learn more at God Centered Family.