Revive us. Restore us.

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Wherever you have a people may Jesus dwell with them and reveal himself to his own, for Christ’s sake, to whom be glory with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord look upon your church in these days. Lord revive us. Lord restore us. Lord, give power to your Word again that your name may be glorified. Remember the church of God in this land in all its various phases and portions, and pour out your Spirit upon it. Remember the multitude of your people across the sea in America; prosper them, bless them with the increase of God. And wherever you have a people may Jesus dwell with them and reveal himself to his own, for Christ’s sake, to whom be glory with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. 



“LORD, remember David and all the hardships he endured.” (Psalm 132:1)

God will never forget what his people suffer for his sake. No doubt innumerable blessings descend upon families and nations through the godly lives and patient sufferings of the saints. We cannot be saved by the merits of others, but beyond all question we are benefited by their virtues. Paul said, “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which you have showed toward his name.” There is a full reward for the righteous. That reward frequently comes upon their descendants rather than upon themselves; they sow, and their successors reap.


Seek God in College*

College can be a great time for any student to deepen their faith and their walk with Jesus, and I think Spurgeon College in Kansas City, MO is a great place to do it.

Spurgeon College (named after Charles Spurgeon) exists “For the Kingdom.”

No matter what a student is studying, they will be given a vision to give their college years — and the rest of their lives — to God’s purposes.

If you’re looking at Christian colleges now (for yourself or someone else), this is the perfect time to check out Spurgeon College.

This month (They’re calling it Spurgeon College Month 🎉), SC is giving away some great prizes to lucky winners who apply (or even just request more information!)

If you want more information, this is a great time to ask — enter to win a College Starter Kit (details) and get more info.

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