Praying for those who do not pray

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "May the day come in which they that are in their graves shall hear the voice of God, and they that hear shall live."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Our first prayer shall be for those who do not pray. There is an ancient promise of yours, ā€œI was sought by those who did not ask; I was found by those who did not seek meā€ (Isaiah 65:1). Prove the sovereignty of your grace, the priority of your power, which runs before the will of man, by making many willing in this the day of your power, and calling the things that are not as though they were. May the day come in which they that are in their graves shall hear the voice of God, and they that hear shall live.



ā€œThis is my resting place forever; I will make my home here because I have desired it.ā€ (Psalm 132:14)

We are filled with wonder that he who fills all things should dwell in Zionā€”should dwell in his church. God does not unwillingly visit his chosen; he desires to dwell with them; he desires them. He is already in Zion, for he says here, as one upon the spot. Not only will he occasionally come to his church, but he will dwell in it, as his fixed abode.

He cared not for the magnificence of Solomonā€™s temple, but he determined that at the mercy-seat he would be found by suppliants, and that thence he would shine forth in brightness of grace among the favored nation. All this, however, was but a type of the spiritual house, of which Jesus is foundation and cornerstone, upon which all the living stones are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.


What does the Bible (really) say about our bodies?

There is more confusion surrounding theology of the body/human embodiment than most doctrines today. Our cultureā€™s confusion about sexuality, gender, and the sanctity of human life ā€” as well as ā€œacceptableā€ sins against the body (lust, gluttony, laziness) ā€” are rooted in bad theology.

We need a better understanding of what our bodies are and how we live as embodied image bearers in a fallen world.

Thereā€™s a great resource available to help you better understand theology of the body and how to teach this important doctrine to your church: Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World by Gregg Allison.

This book is a valuable resource to the church ā€” it will be well worth your time to read this summer. I studied under Allison in seminary and have benefited tremendously from his instruction on theology of human embodiment. This book will make you love your body and thank God for his glorious design.