Pray with Spurgeon: Help sinners see the truth

May the sinner see his sin and mourn it; see his savior and accept him; see himself saved, and go on his way rejoicing. Father, do grant us this.

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


There are those who never repented of sin and never believed in Christ, and consequently the wrath of God abides on them. They are living without God, they are living in darkness. O God, in your great mercy look upon them. They do not look to you, but we ask that you would look at them. May the sinner see his sin and mourn it; see his savior and accept him; see himself saved, and go on his way rejoicing. Father, do grant us this.



“No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24)

Oh, to be so decided, that we may pursue one thing only! We would hate evil and love God, despise falsehood and hold totruth! We need to know how we are affected both to righteousness and sin; and when this is ascertained to our comfort, we must stand to the right with uncompromising firmness. Greed for money is the direct opposite of God as much today as in past ages, and we must loathe its greed, its selfishness, its oppression, its pride; or we do not love God.


Will you surrender everything to God?

Today's verse of the day challenged us to surrender our whole lives to God — that every bit of rebellion and unwillingness to serve him would be removed, because we recognize that we belong to Jesus, our creator and savior.

An excellent book to help you consider how you can serve God with more boldness and surrender is Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt.

The idea of the book is simple to understand, but bold to live out. In a world that tells us to live for ourselves, we need to hear the counter-cultural message of Jesus with clarity: “Take up your cross.”

This book will challenge you and give you specific practical guidance to give your all in service to Jesus. I know this book has encouraged many in the past and I know it will encourage you as well. I hope you’ll buy a copy today.