Peace with God in Christ

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Your blood is our cleansing; your righteousness is our clothing. We stand accepted in the Beloved."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We do accept you Jesus. Your blood is our cleansing; your righteousness is our clothing. We stand accepted in the Beloved, all of us who have believed in your holy name. Let your people enjoy that sweet peace which comes of being justified by faith; and if any reading this who have not believed, oh that they might put their trust in Christ! May faith be wrought in them. May they cheerfully and at once receive the great atonement and be saved by it.



“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1)

We have peace, we know that we have, we enjoy it; it is not a thing of the future, we have peace, a deep calm like that which came to the disciples when Christ hushed the winds and waves to sleep. “We have peace with God,” his peace has entered into us, we possess it now; but it is all “through our Lord Jesus Christ.” It is all war apart from him, but all peace through him. We poor sinners, being justified by faith, have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


This week, we’re praying for the Pacoh of Laos.

Pacoh villages are close knit communities. They have a lot of love for one another, but do not know the love of God.

Pray that a church would be planted in every Pacoh village.


God’s grace sets us free from sin

Today, we celebrated God’s forgiveness in Christ, which brings us complete cleansing and real peace. No matter how many times we sin, we find his grace to be an inexhaustible ocean.

But God’s grace is NOT about forgiving our sin and leaving us stuck; it’s about empowering you to actually change. The book Unlimited Grace by Bryan Chappell will show you how wonderfully large and never-ending God’s grace is, and how this grace has the power to change your life from the inside out.

I know this book will encourage you and fill your heart with love and gratitude for God’s grace. If you’re feeling discouraged and shameful about your past sin, this book will assure of God’s never-ending kindness towards sinners. If you’re feeling stuck and unmoved in your present sin, this book will help you to lean into the power of God’s grace to change.