Not my will, but yours be done

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Though we cry to you day and night, concerning anything, yet, if you see that we err in this, regard not the voice of our cry."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Oh Lord, if we at any time press our suit, without a sufficiency of submission to your will, do not regard us; and though we cry to you day and night, concerning anything, yet, if you see that we err in this, regard not the voice of our cry. It is our heart’s desire in our coolest moments, that this prayer might stand on record as long as we live—“Not as I will, but as you will.”



“Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me—nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

Was he heard? Ah, my brethren he was indeed heard, but especially in that part of his prayer, “nevertheless not my will, but yours, be done;” and that was the most vital part of his prayer; for, as much as he shrank from that bitter cup, still more did he shrink from any thought of going contrary to the will of his Father. That ought to be the heart of all our prayers; whatever we are asking for, chiefly and above all else this should be our cry, “nevertheless not as I will, but as you will.”


Teach Your Kids to Pray

This week, we are reflecting on the power of prayer and the glorious grace of God to answer our prayers. As parents, these are important realities to teach our kids and to celebrate as a family.

I really believe that parents should be reading the Bible and praying with their kids every day, which is why I’m creating a series of family devotionals — God Centered Family.

These devotionals walk through the whole Bible in three years and offers daily prayer points based on each day’s reading. Imagine how powerful it will be to pray through the entire Bible with your kids!

I hope you’ll check out these devotionals now.