New Help us not be lazy as we battle sin

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We lament that in the body of this death there is much that we abhor. We are tempted to laziness at times, and though busy in the world we become spiritually idle."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We lament that in the body of this death there is much that we abhor. We are tempted to laziness at times, and though busy in the world we become spiritually idle. Also, we are tempted to envy others, because they excel us, and we mourn to confess the meanness of our spirit in this matter; and also we have to lament our pride. We have nothing to be proud of; the lowest place is ours; but Lord, we often conceive ourselves to be something when we are nothing.

We pray that you would forgive all these vices of our nature; but at the same time kill them, for we hate ourselves to think we should fall into such evils.



“So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.” (Colossians 2:6–7)

Take a living hold of Christ as a tree does of the soil. Be also built up in him; as a building settles down upon the foundation, so do you settle down upon Christ. When a man is established in the truth that he knows, and rejoices in what he has already received, he will not go away from it.


Helping Kids Fight Sexual Sin*

This week, as we pray about our own growth in godliness, we also need to be seeking to help our kids grow, especially in the area of sexual purity. A great resource to help you have honest and biblical conversations with your kids about sex and sexuality is “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids,” a FREE course for parents.

This isn’t a course for parents and kids to watch together — it’s designed to help parents prepare to talk to their kids about these crucial issues. The course is packed with insight, laying a biblical foundation, and providing solid biblical advice for every age and stage of parenting.