Mighty Jesus, washing our feet

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "You hold the waters in the hollow of your hand, you measure heaven with your hand; Lord, do you wash my feet?"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on Jesus washing our feet.

Typically, the prayers in the newsletter are excerpts taken from several sources. This week, all of the prayers will come from one sermon on John 13. In the middle of this sermon, Spurgeon broke out in an extended prayer, praising the grace of Jesus for this act of humility. I found this prayer a few weeks ago and Iā€™m thankful to share it with you now.


Lord! King! Master! God! Everlasting! Eternal! Almighty! King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do youā€”do YOU wash my feet? You call the stars by their names, and they shine by your light. Constellations come forth in their season at your bidding. You guidest the North Star with his sons! The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; you sit upon the circle of the heavens, and the inhabitants of the earth are like grasshoppers. You hold the waters in the hollow of your hand, you measure heaven with your hand; Lord, do you wash my feet?



ā€œHe came to Simon Peter, who asked him, ā€˜Lord, are you going to wash my feet?ā€™ā€ (John 13:6)

Oh! think of this, you spiritual men; think, until your hearts melt with love. No one else could cleanse us. The infinite God must take away the infinite blackness and filth of his peopleā€™s sin! What a stoop this is! Let us lift up our eyes and wonder; let us lift up our voices and praise his name, that he should ever wash our feet.

It is not the part of a master to wash feet; it is servile, menial, humiliating work. Yet this, which was the lowest of all offices in the east, is that which the Savior undertakesā€”not in fiction and metaphor, but in reality, for every one of us.


How to Keep Kids Safe from Pornography*

We want our kids to be protected from sexually explicit media and people, but in a hyper-connected world, thatā€™s harder than ever. This is why Iā€™m really thankful for ā€œRaising Sexually Faithful Kids,ā€ a FREE course for parents from Harvest USA.

This course will give you everything you need to have safe, biblical conversations about sex and sexuality. It provides a lot of great, practical tools for protecting your kids (online and off!), but it is more focused on helping you understand and address each kidā€™s heart. This course is a goldmine of biblical help for parents ā€” I hope youā€™ll enroll today!