May Jesus be known to the ends of the earth

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Reign in the hearts of our fellow men. Lord, subdue sin, and under your feet let drunkenness, and unchastity, and oppression, and every form of wickedness be put away by the gospel of Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on global missions. Next week, we’ll highlight a different theme. Invite a friend to pray with you by sending them this link.


Great God, we long that you would be known to the ends of the earth, that the idols may be utterly abolished. We long for false doctrine to fly like birds of darkness before the light and your coming. Reign in the hearts of our fellow men. Lord, subdue sin, and under your feet let drunkenness, and unchastity, and oppression, and every form of wickedness be put away by the gospel of Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit.



“All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matthew 25:32)

On the day when Christ comes, he will judge all nations. There will be gathered before him not only the Jews, to whom the law was given, but the Gentiles also. Not merely those nations who for many ages have heard the gospel but also those to whom it will then have been but lately published, for the kingdom of God must be published throughout all nations as a testimony against them. Everywhere Christ will have been preached, and then from all regions men will be summoned to stand before him. This refers not merely to all the living nations but to all the nationalities that have passed away as well. Then those who perished before the flood will arise.


God cares about all nations because he cares about God.

Today we prayed for the true gospel to spread to all of the earth. A few years ago, through several books and sermons, my life was completely changed when I discovered God’s unparalleled passion for all nations. Global missions is the center of God’s passion — so to be apathetic about it is to be distinctly ungodly.

The book Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper will help you understand why God cares about all the nations of the earth. Piper creates an incredible case to show that God cares about all nations of the earth because his glory is at stake. If every nation doesn’t worship, then God will not be glorified as he should be. So we have to care.