We love the simple gospel of Jesus

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Turn the current of thought which sets so strong in the wrong direction, and bring men to love the simplicities of the gospel."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, bless your Word throughout the world. Prosper all missions amongst the heathen, all work among Muslim peoples, and send your grace to the churches at home. Turn the current of thought which sets so strong in the wrong direction, and bring men to love the simplicities of the gospel.

Remember our country in great mercy, and bless people from all ranks and conditions of men. May multitudes come to Christ from among the poorest of the poor and let the wealthy be led away from their sin and brought to Jesus’ feet. Be gracious to all that are in authority over us. May peace and order be maintained and let not the peace of the world be broken.



“May your priests be clothed with righteousness, and may your faithful people shout for joy.” (Psalm 132:9)

Holiness and happiness go together; where the one is found, the other ought never to be far away. Holy persons have a right to great and demonstrative joy; they may shout because of it. Since they are saints, and your saints, and you have come to dwell with them, O Lord, thou hast made it their duty to rejoice, and to let others know of their joy. The sentence, while it may read as a permit, is also a precept: saints are commanded to rejoice in the Lord. Happy religion which makes it a duty to be glad! Where righteousness is the clothing, joy may well be the occupation.


How does God’s unfailing love allow suffering and evil?

Grappling with questions like “If God is love why do bad things happen?” can increase your amazement at the wonders of God’s love. And that’s why wrestling through those questions is important.

One great resource for helping you tackle those questions is The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God by D.A. Carson. This short book explains God’s love in a thoroughly biblical way that will leave you amazed at God’s grace and more eager to love others.

I know this book will increase your confidence in God — I hope you’ll grab a copy today.