We love you Lord

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


We fall down on our faces and worship the Son of God today. It is such a wonder that he should have loved us and he has done such wonderful things for us and in us that we may still call him God’s unspeakable gift. He is unspeakably precious to our souls. You know all things, Lord; you know that we love you. May that love bubble up today like a boiling cauldron, may our hearts overflow; and if we cannot speak what we feel, may that holy silence be eloquent with the praise of God.



“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.” (Psalm 29:2)

What have we that we did not receive from the God of all grace? Then how careful ought we to be to walk humbly before the Lord! The moment we glorify ourselves, since there is room for one glory only in the universe, we set ourselves up as rivals to the Most High. Shall the insect of an hour glorify itself against the sun which warmed it into life?


This week, we’re praying for the Mili of China.

This week, as we pray about our own worship, we must remember those who have never worshiped the Lord Jesus Christ, because they have never heard of him. As John Piper said, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”

Pray that the Mili would worship Christ forever.


Learn More about Suffering From Spurgeon

Spurgeon himself learned a lot from his own suffering. Stricken with significant illness and depression throughout most of his ministry, Spurgeon’s suffering drew him closer to Christ and gave him a deeper hope in God.

Spurgeon knew that suffering was an important experience in the Christian life, which is why he preached about it so often. If you want to learn Spurgeon’s biblical wisdom on trials, check out Spurgeon on Suffering: Reflections on Our Pain and God’s Grace. This is a collection of 12 classic sermons on trials, suffering, and perseverance.

I put this collection together to help suffering Christians (which is all of us!) find a deeper, more biblical hope through the worst of our trials. I know that this book will encourage you.