We long for Jesus

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We adore the Lamb in the midst of the throne as God over all, blessed forever."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


With equal honor and depth of love do we adore the Son of God, not only God but also man, bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. We have not seen you and still must rest in faith alone, but we believe that you did come to earth, lived and died, that you were buried, and on the third day rose again from the dead; and you have gone up into glory, and you shall shortly come again to take your people from among men to dwell with you. Our heart expects you, we long for you; even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Meanwhile, our spirit bows in lowliest and most loving reverence. With all the shining ranks above of cherubim and seraphim, we adore the Lamb in the midst of the throne as God over all, blessed forever.



“Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

There is but one God. This is the very basis of our faith; we know nothing of “gods many and lords many.” Yet it is the Triune God whom we worship. We are not any less believers in the one living and true God because we worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The doctrine of the Trinity isn’t just true — it’s good news

Christians believe in the Trinity — a doctrine we would defend even if it cost us everything. But why is this doctrine such a big deal? Does it really matter for our lives? Why should we care about the Trinity in a world full of suffering?

If you want to grow your knowledge for the doctrine of the Trinity (and your white, hot love for it!), check out Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves — a short, powerful book that will leave you amazed at the greatness of our Triune God and his never-ending love for himself and us. Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.

I know this book will help you love God, so I hope you’ll grab a copy today.