Does your life show doubt in God’s goodness?

🛐 Daily Prayer: "You have made us see the end of all perfection: your love, even then, has been perfected—perfected in our weakness."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, the worst of our sin is that, in many of our actions, we betray a disbelief in you. Like the children of Israel in the wilderness, you could well say of us, “How long will it be until they believe me, though I have shown all my signs and wonders among them?”

Oh God, you have been very faithful to your servants until now. In no one instance is there a breach of promise. You have tried us, as silver is tried, but in very faithfulness you have afflicted us. You have brought us very low indeed; but underneath us have always been the everlasting arms. You have brought us into the wilderness; but you have furnished a table for us, in the presence of our enemies.

You have made us see the end of all perfection: your love, even then, has been perfected—perfected in our weakness. You are all goodness, and truth, and grace, and loving-kindness; and therefore, blessed be your name forever and ever.



“Immediately the father of the boy cried out, ‘I do believe; help my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:24)

There were within him two men, as it were,—a believing man, and an unbelieving man, and the two struggled for mastery; “Lord, I do believe; but there is so much unbelief in me, I ask you to drive it out, that I may believe in you wholly.”

He had faith, even though it was mixed with unbelief. It was a faith that made him pray, and the Lord Jesus Christ found that faith.


Fight unbelief with the truths of faith

Asking questions is not a bad thing — we just need to labor to answer our questions in a faith-filled, biblical way. There ARE answers available for even the toughest questions about the Bible — do you know those answers?

A great resource for strengthening your faith is Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin. This book gives practical, biblical, and winsome answers to some of the world’s most pressing objections to the gospel.

Be equipped to answer questions like “Isn’t Christianity homophobic?” and “How can you say there’s only one true faith?” with Bible-centered wisdom and Christ-centered hope.

Confronting Christianity will bolster your own faith and equip you to be a bold witness for Christ. I hope you’ll buy a copy today and read it this summer.