Leaning on Christ alone

🛐 Daily Prayer: "May we just lean on Christ as hard as we can, with a full weight of weakness and sin and sorrow, and just swoon away into his eternal love and there lie passive in his hand."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week! (We’ll be back on Monday)


Take every doubt from the heart of your people; let not a single thought of mistrust abide with any one of us. May we just lean on Christ as hard as we can, with a full weight of weakness and sin and sorrow, and just swoon away into his eternal love and there lie passive in his hand. To know no will but his, to not be active until he makes us so by his own power. May our confidence become strong, that our peace may be like a river, and our righteousness like the waves of the sea.



“Now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

He cannot come to a God who to his own mind is non-existent; he must believe that he is. You must believe that God hears prayer. You must believe that he will punish the guilty, and that he will reward the righteous. Without this sure faith, you cannot come to him.


Real Hope for All Your Fears and Anxiety
Real Help to Trust God More

This week we have prayed that God would strengthen our faith. A great book on growing your faith in God in the midst of trials is Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. This book focuses on God’s sovereignty, his good control over all things, and shows that we really can trust God in any circumstance. This book is full of reasons to trust God and applies those reasons to specific trials in our lives that make it particularly hard to trust God.

This book will strengthen your faith and confidence in our great God — I hope you’ll grab a copy today.