Jesus saves sinners (like me)

🛐 Daily Prayer: "May their little faith brighten into strong faith, and may their strong faith ripen into the full assurance of faith."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord save the careless, save the sinful, the drunkard, take away from him his cups. The unholy and unjust men, deliver these from their filthiness; the dishonest and false, renew them in their lives; and any that are lovers of pleasure, dead while they live, and any that are lovers of self, whose life is bounded by the narrowness of their own being, the Lord renew them, regenerate them, make them new creatures in Christ Jesus. For this we fervently pray.

Lord God the Holy Spirit, may faith grow in men; may they believe in Christ to the saving of their souls. May their little faith brighten into strong faith, and may their strong faith ripen into the full assurance of faith. May we all have this last blessing; may we believe God fully; may we never waver. Resting in the great advocate and high priest of the New Covenant may we feel “the peace of God which passes all understanding,” and may we enter into rest.



“Let’s go to his dwelling place; let’s worship at his footstool.” (Psalm 132:7)

The best-ordered earthly house can be no more than the footstool of so great a King. His ark can only reveal the glories of his feet, according to his promise that he will make the place of his feet glorious; yet there will we hasten with joy, in glad companionship, and there will we adore him. Where the Lord is, there shall he be worshipped. It is well not only to go to the Lord’s house, but to worship there. We only profane his tabernacles if we enter them for any other purpose.


Preach the gospel to yourself (here’s how)

One of the ways we work to strengthen our faith is preaching the gospel to ourselves. We must constantly remind ourselves of the work that Christ has done to suffer, die, and rise again for sinners — for me. Spurgeon called those reminders “preaching the gospel to yourself.” This is an important discipline that we have to cultivate to stay rooted in God’s grace.

One tool to help you preach the gospel to yourself is Note to Self by Joe Thorn. This book contains 48 short devotions that are formatted as simple notes written for your own heart. Read them to yourself, preach them to yourself, knowing that you need these truths to live.

Note to Self is a great tool for remembering that your only hope is Christ, not your own works. I know these short devotions will encourage you and increase your love for him.