Jesus makes us worthy

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Even our poor frankincense and myrrh shall not be unaccepted; you will receive it through Jesus Christ, the great High Priest."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


While we have any being we will praise the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And when we leave this earth to be the food of worms, it shall be in confident expectation that our body shall rise again and our spirit shall mount up to heaven, singing as it mounts, to look forever into the face of God, forever to sing the praise of him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood. Until then, good Lord, we offer you what we have, and since it is perfumed with the savior’s merits and put into the golden censer which he waves in his hand, we believe that even our poor frankincense and myrrh shall not be unaccepted, but that you will receive it through Jesus Christ, the great High Priest.



“He doesn’t need to offer sacrifices every day, as high priests do—first for their own sins, then for those of the people. He did this once for all time when he offered himself.” (Hebrews 7:27)

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world, and “offered himself” as a sacrifice for sin. The great High Priest, who officiated on the occasion of that wondrous and unique sacrifice, was Jesus Christ himself.

When he bowed his head, it was because he chose to do it, and willingly yielded up his soul, committing his spirit to the Father—not under constraint, but “he offered himself.” Oh, this makes the sacrifice of Christ so blessed and glorious! They dragged the bulls and they drove the sheep to the altar; they bound the calves with cords, even with cords to the altar’s horn. But not so was it with the Christ of God. Nothing compelled him to die; he laid down his life voluntarily, for he had power to lay it down, and power to take it up again.


This week, we’re praying for the Dondo of Indonesia.

The Dondo make most of their livelihoods by farming and fishing.

Thank God for causing his rain to fall and the sun to shine on the just and the unjust. Pray that the Dondo would hear about the Creator who supplies all of their needs.


Parents Work as Priests

Since the Protestant Reformation, Christians have believed that every family is like a little church with the parents, especially the father, working as a priest to lead his family in prayer and worship every day. Spurgeon was no different. He once said, “the father of the family, who ought to be the priest in his own house…. Children who observe that their parents are practically prayerless in the household will grow up indifferent to religion, and in many cases will be utter worldlings, if not altogether atheists.”

We have a responsibility to lead our children in daily prayer and worship. We need to teach them the truth of God’s Word. Who else is going to?

If you want an easy-to-use guide for family worship that is meaningful, interactive, and realistic (even for the busiest families and the squirmiest kids), then check out God Centered Family.

God Centered Family is a series of family devotionals that gives you everything you need to teach the Bible to your kids and instill lifelong faith in Christ.

God has called you to point your kids to Jesus — it’s time to obey this call!


“He said about Zebulun: Rejoice, Zebulun, in your journeys…” (Deuteronomy 33:18)

The blessings of the tribes are ours for we are the true Israel who worships God in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh. Zebulun was commanded to rejoice because the Lord would bless his “journeys;” we also see a promise for ourselves within this benediction. When we go out we will look out for occasions of joy.

We go out to travel and the providence of God is our convoy. We go out to move and the Lord is with us both on land and sea. We go out as missionaries and Jesus says, “remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). We go out day by day to our labor and we may do so with pleasure for God will be with us from morning until evening.

A fear sometimes creeps over us when starting for we do not know what we may face; but this blessing may serve us right well as a word of good cheer. As we pack up for moving, let us put this verse into our travelling trunk; let us drop it into our hearts, and keep it there; yes, let us lay it on our tongue to make us sing. Let us weigh anchor with a song, or jump into the carriage with a psalm. Let us belong to the rejoicing tribe, and in our every movement praise the Lord with joyful hearts.

Something to think about today if you’re feeling worried about the future: God is sovereign over tomorrow and will never leave you or forsake you.


The Bible is the supreme authority to which we joyfully bow.” — Charles Spurgeon