Jesus makes us perfectly clean

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "Do you wash my feet? Then they must be clean. It cannot be that filth remains after you wash."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


If you wash my feet, Lord, then there cannot be any filth on them. Do you wash my feet? Then they must be clean. It cannot be that filth remains after you wash. When things are washed by careless servants, they want washing again; but when they are washed by the loving hands of Jesus, washed by you who made heaven and earth, surely they cannot be badly done.



ā€œā€˜You will never wash my feet,ā€™ Peter said. Jesus replied, ā€˜If I donā€™t wash you, you have no part with me.ā€™ā€ (John 13:8)

The moment your name is mentioned there are some ready at once to slander you and abuse you; yet so tenderly does Jesus love you, that he washes your foulest part. However, I must leave you to thinkā€”for I cannot talkā€”I must leave you to think on such a precious passage as this. Certainly the angels of heaven will never leave off wondering however it can be, that their King, their Prince, their Leader, could, so humble himself as to become a servant of servantsā€”to take the very meanest of his people, and declare that he will wash their feet, aye, and do it too.


Teaching Kids Purity in a Hyper-Sexualized World*

Have you seen the latest statistics about teenagers and pornography? Theyā€™re horrifying.

  • Almost every teen (73%) says they have consumed pornography.

  • The average age of first exposure to pornography is 12.

  • 15% of kids say they first saw porn at age 10 or younger.

Hereā€™s what Christian parents need to realize about these numbers: if we donā€™t teach our kids to think biblically about sexuality, the world will certainly teach them other ways to think.

If you need help starting, continuing, or reviving this conversation in your home, please check out ā€œRaising Sexually Faithful Kids.ā€ This is a FREE video course to help parents confidently (and biblically!) talk about sexuality and more with their kids.

No matter how old your kids are, this course will give you a good foundation to talk with them.