Jesus is the point of the Bible

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "We learned from the Bible what we never can forget, that which has comforted our hearts."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on the Bible in partnership with God Centered Family, my series of family devotionals that teach the whole Bible to the whole family.


Our Father in heaven, our hearts are full of gratitude to you for your Word. We bless you that we have it in our houses, that you have helped many of us to understand it and enjoy it. Although we do not yet know what we donā€™t know, yet have we learned from it what we never can forget, that which has changed our lives has removed our burdens, has comforted our hearts, has set our faces like flints against sin and made us eager after perfect holiness.

We thank you, Lord, for every page of the book, not only for its promises which are inexpressibly sweet, but for its precepts in which our soul delights, and especially for the revelation of your Son, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Oh God, we thank you for the manifestation of Christ even in the types and shadows of the Old Testament ā€” these are inexpressibly glorious to us, full of wondrous value, inexpressibly dear because in them and through them we see the Lord. But we bless you much more for the clear light of the New Testament, for giving us the key to all the secrets of the Old Testament because now, reading the Scriptures, we understand the language of the old covenant and are made to joy and to rejoice in it.



ā€œAll Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousnessā€¦ā€ (2 Timothy 3:16)

From one end of it to the other, all of Scripture answers some divine purpose. Who am I that I should sit in judgment over it? I beg you to value every word of God and let no man lead you into the error of setting this one above the other; for, if they are God's words, they are all precious, and you ought to consider them so.


This week, weā€™re praying for the Sangisari of Iran.

The Sangisari is a group of 25,000 Muslims with no Christians among them. They have never heard the name of Jesus. They have no way to trust in Christ unless someone comes from the outside to tell them.

Pray that missionaries would go to the Sangisari.


Three things every parent needs to know about the Bible

This week, weā€™ll be focusing our prayers and Scripture readings on the Bible. A particular passion of my life is helping parents teach the Bible to their kids. This passion comes from three convictions:

  1. Kids need God. Their hearts are plagued with sin and they need a Savior. Their perspectives are distorted and they need a shepherd to guide them through this troubling world. Kids donā€™t merely need better behavior ā€” they need to know the God who made them.

  2. God is revealed in his Word. We donā€™t have to guess what God is like because God has told us what he is like. From cover to cover, all of Scripture reveals the glory of the God who made us. Any other source for knowing God will be flawed. If kids need God, then they need the Bible. 

  3. Parents are better equipped than anyone to teach their kids the Bible. You cannot offload this task to your youth pastor (who sees your kids for 90 minutes each week) ā€” God has called YOU to teach your kids who God is.

Iā€™m confident that thereā€™s nothing that can help our kids build firm foundations for lifelong faith better than parents sitting down to read and discuss the Bible with our kids every day. God Centered Family will give you everything you need to get started (and know EXACTLY what to read, what to ask, and what to say).