Jesus is ours (even though Christmas is gone)

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh Jesus, we love you—we are yours; and you are ours."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. We’ll be back on Monday.


This morning we feel our hearts warmed towards you, in the person of your dear Son. Surely we cannot see him made our brother, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, sympathizing with us, married to us, dead for us, and risen again for us—we cannot gaze into his right royal face without feeling our heart melt at the very sight of him.

Oh Jesus, we love you—we are yours; and you are ours. You have given yourself to us, as well as for us; and now we cheerfully give ourselves back to you, feeling that we are never so much our own as when we are yours; that indeed we are not ourselves, until we are lost in you; but that then have we found our truest manhood, when it and all else is surrendered to the all-conquering power of Jesus Christ our Lord.



“These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. (Deuteronomy 6:6–7)

Christian parent, have you done this? “Thou shalt” not only teach them, but “repeat them,” “teach them diligently to your children.”


This week, we’re praying for the Kakabe of Guinea.

We must pray that “the whole earth [will] shout joyfully to God” (Psalm 66:1). The Kakabe do not know the joy of the Lord and cannot celebrate his greatness.

Pray that the Kakabe would hear the good news of great joy that Jesus has come to save us.


A New Year Challenge for Parents

Every December, I try to convince as many parents as possible to make this simple New Year’s resolution: Read the Bible to your kids every day in 2025.

Why am I so obsessed with spreading this challenge as far and wide as I can? Because I believe there aren’t many other habits that can make a more significant impact in your home.

Reading and discussing the Bible with your kids every day might seem really simple (or it might seem nearly impossible). No matter where you are, I’m eager to help you make 2025 a Year in the Word.