Jesus β€” Our only hope and righteousness

πŸ› Daily Prayer: "We do not have even a shadow of a shade of hope anywhere but in you: your life, your death, your resurrection, your ascension, your glory, your reign, your second advent"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week!


We have no merit, no claim, no righteousness of our own. Oh, now, dear savior, we look up to you. Oh, that some might look for the first time, and those of us that have long looked would fix our happy gaze again upon that blessed substitutionary sacrifice where all our hope is found. Dear savior, we take you to be everything to us, our sin-bearer and our sin-destroyer. We do not have even a shadow of a shade of hope anywhere but in you: your life, your death, your resurrection, your ascension, your glory, your reign, your second advent; these are the only stars in our sky.



β€œHe was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” (Romans 4:25)

Jesus Christ is the great object of saving faith. Christ, once dead, has been raised from the dead. If you want to be saved, you must rely on the crucified and risen Savior. If you thus believe that Jesus the crucified is the Christ of God, the anointed Messiah and Redeemer, you prove that you are born of God. And if you trust yourself to the risen and glorified Christ, you have risen with him, and you will rise to be with him forever and ever.


A Resource to Understand Gender Identity (And Help Those Who Struggle)

Gender identity is one of the most pressing issues of our day and yet there are very few practical resources that help Christians engage this issue (and those who struggle) in a Christlike way.

A great starting point for deepening your understanding of gender identity struggles is Does God Care about Gender Identity? by Sam Ferguson. This is a short book that addresses modern trends with biblical clarity and offers practical guidance to parents, pastors, and those who experience gender incongruence.

This book will help you immensely β€” I hope you’ll grab a copy today.