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Jesus goes before us
🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness."
Pray with Spurgeon
Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks
Oh Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness, come to you for all supplies. And we know that shall we not come in vain, since we bear with us a plea which is always successful. Since we come commanded by your Word, encouraged by your promise, and preceded by Christ Jesus, our great High Priest, we know that whatsoever we shall ask in prayer, believing, we shall receive. Help us now to ask for the right things and may the utterances of our mouth be acceptable in your sight, oh God our strength and our redeemer.
As the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we bless you for that unspeakable gift, the offering of your only begotten Son. Words are but air and tongues are only clay, and your compassion is divine, therefore it is not possible that any words of ours should bring praise worthy of this greatest act of grace.
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)
How this ought to draw us to the Savior—that he was made like us; that he knows our temptations by a practical experience of them; and though he was without sin, yet the same sins that are put before us by Satan were also set before him.
Jesus is touched with the feeling of your infirmities and mine. He is not only touched with the feeling of the heroic endurance of the martyrs, but he sympathizes with those of you who are no heroes, but can only plead, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41).
This week, we’re praying for the Dondo of Indonesia.
The Dondo are Muslim, but many still practice animism, believing that spirits (including the souls of the dead) are at work in and through the natural world.
Pray that the Dondo would hear the good news that Christ is Lord of all spirits.
Hear the stories of eight heroic women*
I just finished reading a book, Hearts of Fire, which tells the stories of eight women who faced extreme persecution for their faith in Jesus. Their stories are truly inspiring — these women saw Christ work in unlikely places (one story even takes place within the Soviet Union!) through their costly faith.
These women refused to stop spreading the truth about Christ, even when religious extremists and hostile governments tried to stop them. Several of them were taken captive or imprisoned and then proceeded to share Christ with their captors and fellow prisoners.
I walked away from this book convinced of several things…
Christ is powerful.
Christians are being persecuted around the world in horrific ways
Christ WILL sustain his people, build his church, and spread his gospel
My friends at The Voice of the Martyrs are giving away FREE physical copies of "Hearts of Fire" this month — no strings attached, they are going to send you this book for free because they believe that these stories can powerfully inspire your faith in Christ.
You will not regret taking the time to hear the stories of these bold women and their costly faith.
“... and this whole assembly will know that it is not by sword or by spear that the LORD saves, for the battle is the LORD’s. He will hand you over to us.” (1 Samuel 17:47)
Let this point be settled, that the battle is the Lord’s and we may be quite sure of the victory. Specifically, we can be quite sure of the victory to come in such a way that will best display the power of God. The Lord is too much forgotten by all men, yes, even by the assemblies of Israel; and when there is an opportunity to make men see that the God who made all things can achieve his purposes without the power of man, it is a priceless occasion which should be well-employed. Even Israel looks to sword and spear for salvation too often. It is a grand thing to have no sword in the hand of David and yet for David to know that his God will overthrow a whole army of aliens.
If we are indeed contending for truth and righteousness, let us not delay until we have our own talent, wealth, or any other form of visible power at our disposal; but with stones like the ones David found in the stream and with our own usual sling, let us run to meet the enemy. If it were our own battle we might not be confident; but if we are standing up for Jesus and fighting in his strength alone, who can withstand us? Without a trace of hesitancy let us face the Philistines for the Lord of Hosts is with us and who can be against us?
Something to think about today if you’re feeling weak: God’s grace is sufficient for you. His power is made perfect in weakness.
“God has as firm a grip of you today as ever he had.” — Charles Spurgeon