Jesus cleans our hearts, body, and souls

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "Lord, will you take the worst part of me, and wash that? I know you have said that you will sanctify my spirit and my soulā€”there is much there; but will you sanctify my body too"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Lord, do you wash my feet? To wash my head, Lord, is very gracious; to purge my mind from evil thoughts is very loving; to wash my hands, to take my heart and make that clean is very condescending; but do you really do a slaveā€™s work, and wash my feet? Lord, will you take the worst part of me, and wash that? I know you have said that you will sanctify my spirit and my soulā€”there is much there; and you sanctify my body tooā€”my feet, the lowest part of the man, the worst part. Are you not content to leave any spot or wrinkle upon me anywhere, and therefore do you humble yourself to the basest, lowest action of all, to wash my feet? Truly, this is a subject of wonder.



ā€œInstead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. And when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of deathā€” even to death on a cross.ā€ (Philippians 2:7ā€“8)

Let us lift up our eyes and wonder; let us lift up our voices and praise his name, that he should ever wash our feet. And yet the wonder is excelled if you remember that he shared a slaveā€™s death, as well as a slaveā€™s life: a slaveā€™s lifeā€”when he washed our feet; a slaveā€™s deathā€”when they sold him for thirty pieces of silver, and afterwards pierced his hands and his feet. I put this deed of love in contrast.


Godā€™s Foot-Washing Grace Really is Amazing

This week as we reflect on Jesus washing our feet, we are rejoicing in the glorious ways that God has washed all of us, forgiving us of our sins. This really is a wonderful, glorious reality, but often, we become so used to the fact of Godā€™s grace that it stops being ā€œamazingā€ to us.

One resource that has helped me recapture the wonder of grace is Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy by Paul Tripp. This book features 52 short devotionals (one for every week of the year) on Psalm 51. This is an incredible resource to help you remember the horrors of your sin and the wonders of Godā€™s amazing grace. I hope youā€™ll buy a copy and enjoy mediating on Godā€™s unending mercy with me.