Hope for sinful Christians

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh Lord, we do fear that selfishness even enters into our most holy things."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Oh Lord, we do fear that selfishness even enters into our most holy things; we mar and spoil our prayers, and preachings, and teachings with the unwashed hands with which we go about them. Oh, that you would make us clean, we pray. While we pray to you, we also know that believing in Christ we are clean; we thank you that we do not doubt his justifying power. While we are now crying to him to be sanctified, may we not doubt his power to sanctify; but while crying, “O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death,” as well we may; we do nevertheless shout exultingly, “Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.”



“So those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4)

They might have stopped at Jerusalem, and made a comfortable and strong church there, if they had not been persecuted; but, being scattered abroad, they were like seeds in every furrow of the field: “they went everywhere preaching the word.” Now, out of this church, there is a continual drain of brethren and sisters, who leave their native land to go to distant colonies; such are the exigencies of the times, that many have to go abroad. I charge you, wherever you go, carry the holy seed with you. Be yourselves a seed for Christ in every land.


This week, we’re praying for the Bafinda of Pakistan.

Christians face extreme persecution in Pakistan. For a Bafinda person to come to Christ may mean violence, abandonment, and imprisonment.

Pray that peace would come to Pakistan so that the gospel can spread freely.


Save on the Spurgeon Study Bible*

This month, the Spurgeon Study Bible is available for 40% off for “Pray with Spurgeon” subscribers (Just use promo code SPURGE40).

The Spurgeon Study Bible has been such an encouragement to my Bible study and I know it will encourage you. I hope you’ll grab this great deal and add the Spurgeon Study Bible to your library.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Hundreds of notes taken right from Spurgeon’s sermons

  • A short biography of Spurgeon

  • 20 outlines of his earliest sermons (in his own handwriting)

  • Spurgeon’s illustrations for key themes throughout the Bible.

  • An introduction from Spurgeon for each book of the Bible

  • Available in the CSB, KJV, and Spanish RVR 1960 translations.

This is a great resource. I hope you’ll add The Spurgeon Study Bible to your library today and save!

Buy the Spurgeon Study Bible from Lifeway (Use promo code SPURGE40 to save 40%)