Holy Spirit, move in the hearts of those who don't know you

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh make this to be a profitable, soul-winning day, one of the high days on which heaven’s bells shall ring out more sweetly than ever, because many and many a prodigal child has come back to the Father’s house, to make the Father glad."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Look with great grace, we pray, oh Lord, upon the slaves of sin; break their chains. Oh, save this people. Move, oh divine Spirit and fetch out those who do not know God, that they may know themselves and their God this day. Oh make this to be a profitable, soul-winning day, one of the high days on which heaven’s bells shall ring out more sweetly than ever, because many and many a prodigal child has come back to the Father’s house, to make the Father glad.



“The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

The first birth, at its best, can only give you flesh; there must be another birth, a birth from above, to bring you into the realm of spirit that you may understand and share in spiritual things. The Spirit is a mysterious person, not to be understood by carnal man. You see his outward life, but you cannot see the hidden spring by which that life is moved and controlled, for that mysterious inner life is only discerned by those who possess it.


This week, the newsletter is focusing on God the Holy Spirit. Rightly understanding the work of God the Holy Spirit can be an incredible encouragement for parents. As we read in today’s Verse of the Day, only God the Holy Spirit can cause someone to be born again. If you long for your children to come to Christ, grow in godliness, and hold fast to God as a lifelong follower of Jesus, only God the Holy Spirit can do these things.

And so we trust him — it’s not up to us.

And so we rest — God the Holy Spirit is more powerful than we are; we don’t need to worry about our children’s spiritual future.

And so we read the Bible in our homes — because the Spirit who inspired God’s Word loves to use it to bring new life.

Parents, lead your kids to be lifelong followers of Jesus. Family devotionals from God Centered Family give you everything you need. Learn more at GodCenteredFamily.org.