The Holy Spirit, our Blessed Comforter

🛐 Daily Prayer: "You are with us and you will abide with us. You dwell in our hearts; we worship you and bless the condescending love that humbles itself to dwell in such poor housing as our nature."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


And you, too, oh Sacred Spirit, the Holy Spirit, we worship and love you, for you are our comforter. You are now the power of this age. You are with us and you will abide with us. You dwell in our hearts; we worship you and bless the condescending love that humbles itself to dwell in such poor housing as our nature.



“When Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water. The heavens suddenly opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased.’” (Matthew 3:16–17)

The entrance of Christ into his public ministry on earth was the chosen opportunity for the public manifestation of the intimate union between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Some seem to suppose that Jesus Christ is our Savior to the exclusion of God the Father and of God the Holy Spirit, but this is a most erroneous idea. We are saved by the precious blood of Christ, but God the Father and God the Holy Spirit have had their share in the great work of our salvation as well. In order that we might not fall into the error in which some have been entangled, it pleased God to give us, at the beginning of Christ’s public ministry, a distinct intimation that he did not come alone and that he did not undertake the work of our redemption apart from the other amazing persons of the ever-blessed Trinity.


Give yourself to God’s Kingdom purposes.*

In our distracted world, God is calling you to remember that HE is the point of it all. A life surrendered to him alone will never be wasted.

Focused. That’s the theme of CROSS CON25 — a conference for 18–25 year-olds.

In January, CROSS will be gathering again to challenge us to hold fast to Jesus in a distracted and divided age.

If you are an 18–25 year-old (or if you KNOW 18–25 year-olds), make plans to attend CROSS CON25.

Speakers like John Piper and David Platt are just the beginning. You seriously don’t want to miss this event.