To be holy like Jesus

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Help us to be like Jesus. If we are men of sorrows, may there be that brightness about our sorrow which there was about Christ in his patience and holy submission to the divine law."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Oh that everything might help us towards purity, for we crave it; we love the things of the Spirit, and there is groaning within us to be utterly delivered from the things of the flesh, that we may in spirit, soul, and body, be a cleansed temple fit for the indwelling of the Holy One of Israel.

Lord help us, we pray, in our daily life, to be as Christ was. If we are men of sorrows, may there be that brightness about our sorrow which there was about Christ in his patience and holy submission to the divine law. If we are men of activity may our activity be like his, for he “went about doing good.” May we seek in all ways the good of our fellow men and the glory of our God.



“Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart…” (Psalm 24:3–4)

The man who will go to heaven is the clean man, the man who has been washed from his sins in the blood of the Lamb; and he is clean just where he was most likely to be foul, he has “clean hands.” Grace has enabled him to touch the things of the world without receiving a stain from them, and to touch holy things without defiling them. This expression, “clean hands,” refers to his outward life; but he is also clean inside, for he has “a pure heart.” If a man were clean as to his actions, but not clean as to his motives, he would not be fit to enter heaven.


This week, as we pray about growing in godliness, I wanted to share a reflection on why God’s grace to help us grow is good news for parents.

“Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain…” (Psalm 127:1)

We are not ultimately responsible for building our households. The Lord, from whom the blessing of children comes (Psalm 127:3–5), has taken it upon himself to build our homes. This is good news, because if he were not building it, we would have no hope.

But because God is our home-building shepherd, we can trust him to provide for our family, save our children, grow all of us in godliness, direct our kids, and get the glory he is owed from our life together. You are not the Savior that your family needs. Praise God.

Parents, rest easily, knowing that a good God is in charge of your family and committed to your welfare. He loves your children more than you do. He loves you too.

Parents, lead your kids to be lifelong followers of Jesus. Family devotionals from God Centered Family give you everything you need. Learn more at