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🛐 Daily Prayer: "Lord, we want to be better Christians than we are; we want to be saturated with your Spirit, as Gideon’s fleece was wet with dew."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Are we teachers in the school? Oh for great grace to understand the nature of children and to be able to rule their hearts! Whatever else we are doing, enable us to do it as unto the Lord. Lord, we want to be better Christians than we are; we want to be saturated with your Spirit, as Gideon’s fleece was wet with dew. We are learning a little every day of our own weakness and of the corruption that lies within. Every day may we see more and more the suitability of Christ; the perfectness and suitability of his working, to bring us unto his perfect image.



“We will not hide them from their children, but will tell a future generation the praiseworthy acts of the LORD, his might, and the wondrous works he has performed.” (Psalm 78:4)

The best education is education in the best things. The first lesson for a child should be concerning his mother’s God. Teach him what you will, if he does not learn the fear of the Lord, he will perish for lack of knowledge. Grammar is poor food for the soul if it is not flavored with grace.

The world may teach secular knowledge alone, for that is all she has a heart to know, but the church must not deal so with her offspring; she should look well to every Timothy, and see to it that from a child he knows the Holy Scriptures.


Remembering the Joy of Encountering Jesus*

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