God’s unimaginable power

🛐 Daily Prayer: "It is amazing to think that we who were prodigals in rags should now be children in the Father’s bosom."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


You have given to us exceeding abundantly above what we asked or even thought, for there was a day when our present condition would have been regarded as much too high for us ever to reach, and in looking back we are surprised that those who did lie among the pots of Egypt should now sit every man under his vine and fig-tree, that those who wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way should now find a city to dwell in, that we who were prodigals in rags should now be children in the Father’s bosom; that we who were companions of swine should now be made heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Oh, what encouragement we have to pray to such a prayer-hearing God who far exceeds the request of his children.



“Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us…” (Ephesians 3:20)

We have asked great things in our time. We do remember when it seemed the greatest thing conceivable for us to say, “Father, forgive me.” We asked a large thing when we requested the pardon of all our sins, and an equally great thing when we prayed to be cleansed in spirit. We did, however, cry for gracious renewal and the prayer was heard. Many times since then in deep distress we have sought the Lord for great deliverances; in abject need we have sought great supplies and in terrible dilemmas we have asked for great guidance, and we have received all these again and again. The blessings sought and obtained have assuredly been neither few nor small.


A Classic Work on Prayer (That Will Blow Your Mind)

Last year, I read Andrew Murray’s classic book With Christ in the School of Prayer for the first time. Let me tell you — this book is life changing. Each day in this 31-day devotional takes one teaching from Christ to help us deepen our faith and our prayer life.

Seriously… this book is astounding. You will be amazed at the incredible promises of God (straight from Scripture) and Murray’s unfiltered explanations of them.

The book is short and each chapter is bite-sized, but this isn’t a quick read. You will want to take your time and chew on each of Murray’s thoughts.

This book has really helped my prayer life; I know it will help you too.