God's mercy flows in ceaseless rivers of love.

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "You have given us marks of your fatherly love in every touch of your rod, and therefore do we bless your name."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


You have led us in many different ways but always in the right way. You have chastened us sore, but you have not appointed us unto death. You have given us marks of your fatherly love in every touch of your rod, and therefore do we bless your name. You brought us through fire and through water; men did ride over our heads, yet you have brought us out into a wealthy place. You have set our feet upon a rock and established our goings. We live to praise the ever-blessed one who hath caused his mercy to flow to us in ceaseless rivers of love.



ā€œEndure suffering as discipline: God is dealing with you as sons. For what son is there that a father does not discipline?ā€ (Hebrews 12:7)

Dear brethren in Christ, will not each one of you thankfully accept it, and say, ā€œAs this is one of the evidences of my sonship, I will thank God for every cut of the rod, and bless his holy name for every twig of it.ā€


Spurgeon on the Love of God (And the power of volcanoes)*

Christ Our All is a new book coming from B&H Academic and Spurgeon scholar Geoff Chang. It contains more than 200 poems written by Spurgeon, covering a wide variety of topics; everything from poems about Godā€™s grace to a song about getting a new pastor. Thereā€™s even a breathtaking poem about volcanoes.

Thanks to my friends at B&H Academic, SpurgeonBooks followers can pre-order Christ Our All for 40% off THIS MONTH ONLY (Use code SPURGEONPOEMS40).

Seriously, I canā€™t get enough of this book. Reading it has been such a blessing. Spurgeonā€™s words have challenged me to love God with more consistency and vigor. The poems have filled me with greater joy every time I read them. I know this book will be a blessing to you too.