God will help us use our gifts

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

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We pray that you would use every one of us according to our ability to be used. Take us, and let no talent lie to canker in the treasure house, but may every pound of yours be put out in trading for you in the blessed market of soul-winning. Oh, give us success. Increase the gifts and graces of those who are saved. Bind us in closer unity to one another than ever. Let peace reign; let holiness adorn us.

Hear us as we pray for all countries, and then for all sorts of men, from the Sovereign on the throne to the peasant in the cottage. Let the benediction of heaven descend on men, through Jesus Christ our Lord.



“Moreover, keep your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule me. Then I will be blameless and cleansed from blatant rebellion.” (Psalm 19:13)

This earnest and humble prayer teaches us that saints may fall into the worst of sins unless restrained by grace, and that therefore they must watch and pray lest they enter into temptation. There is a natural proneness to sin in the best of men, and they must be held back as a horse is held back by the bit or they will run into it.


A resource to help you share your faith (AND help others too!)

Today we prayed that God would use us to save the non-Christians around us. I hope that God will answer this prayer to help you glorify him in the work of evangelism.

Evangelism can be daunting for some, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! The most effective thing you can do with a non-Christian friend is to read the Bible together.

And to help you do that, I’ve created a new resource, Know Jesus. This is a simple, easy-to-use Bible study. It’s designed for a Christian to take a non-Christian through 15 passages in Mark’s Gospel.

I worked really hard to create a resource that was as easy-to-use as possible, because we are called to share Christ with others.

The best part: 100% of the profits from this book are given to purchase copies for evangelism in Washington DC, where I live and minister. (One copy purchased = one copy for a non-Christian in the nation’s capital).

So I hope you’ll buy two copies (one for you and one for a non-Christian friend) and start a Bible study with someone that you know.