God is with us in every trial

šŸ› Daily Prayer: "Perhaps you will permit us to go through blazing fires of persecution or temptation, but we shall not be burned; for you have assured us it shall be so, that we shall go through the fires unhurt, since you will be with us."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


God, it may be true that you have appointed for us great torrents of tribulation, but you will be with us if we pass through the river. Perhaps you will permit us to go through blazing fires of persecution or temptation, but we shall not be burned; for you have assured us it shall be so, that we shall go through the fires unhurt, since you will be with us.

Perhaps it is written in the tablets of your eternal purpose that we shall soon end this mortal life and die. It will be well, for we shall see your face and drink eternal bliss sooner. But if you have appointed for us gray hairs, only grant us grace that, by infirmity, our faith may never fail us; but when the windows are darkened, may we still look out to see the hope that is to be revealed; and when the grasshopper becomes a burden (Ecclesiastes 12:5), still let our strength be as our days, even to the last day.



ā€œYou will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.ā€ (John 16:33)

Are you asking the reason for your suffering, believer? Look upward to your heavenly Father, and behold him pure and holy. Do you know that you will one day be like him? Will you be conformed to his image easily? Will you not require much refining in the furnace of affliction to purify you? Will it be an easy thing to get rid of your corruptions, and make you perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect?


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There are only A FEW DAYS LEFT to pre-order Spurgeonā€™s poetry collection for 40% off.

Christ Our All is a new book that will make Spurgeonā€™s poetry available to all. This book contains hundreds of pages of incredible, Christ-centered poetry by Spurgeon (most of which has never before been published!)

This book is an incredible storehouse of God-honoring poetry. It will challenge you to love God more and fill you with greater appreciation for the cross of Christ.

This month only, you can pre-order the book for 40% off. I hope youā€™ll act on that offer today!