God save our children and children’s children

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Give us joy in them—as much joy in them as Christians as we have had sorrow about them as unbelievers."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week! (Don’t miss the weekend edition tomorrow!)


We cry to you for the conversion of relatives and friends; this burden we have taken up to follow after Jesus in the cross bearing. May we see the desire of our hearts fulfilled. God save our children and children’s children, and if we have unconverted relatives of any kind, the Lord have mercy upon them for Christ’s sake. Give us joy in them—as much joy in them as Christians as we have had sorrow about them as unbelievers.



“Repeat them [God’s words] to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)

Christian parent, have you done this? “Thou shalt” not only teach them, but “teach them diligently unto thy children.”

Our common talk should be much more spiritual than it often is. There is no fear of degrading sacred subjects by the frequent use of them; the fear lies much the other way, lest by a disuse of them we come to forget them. This blessed Book, the Holy Word of God, is a fit companion for your leisure as well as for your labor, for the time of your sleeping and the time of your waking. It will bless you in your private meditations, and equally cheer the social hearth. Those who truly love God greatly love his holy Word.


Reasons You Can’t Have Family Devotions (And How We Can Help)

This week, I’ve been highlighting my series of family devotionals, God Centered Family, which gives parents everything they need to lead their kids to be lifelong followers of Jesus. You probably have thought of a lot of reasons these resources won’t work in your home. Let’s talk about some of them:

  • “My life is too busy.”
    That’s why our devotionals take just 10–15 minutes each day.

  • “My kids are too crazy.”
    Sitting through something you don't understand IS boring. That's why we want to teach our kids a better way to interact with the Bible. We’ll give you practical resources to help your kids learn how to engage with the text of Scripture (not just sit through it).

  • “Is the subscription worth it?”
    For just $6 each month (less than one month of Netflix or a single trip to Target), you’ll get everything you need to point your kids to Jesus every day.

  • “I don’t know the Bible well enough.”
    No worries! Our devotionals will give you an easy-to-follow guide, helping you confidently lead meaningful conversations.

  • “My kids are too old/too young.”
    The Bible is relevant to EVERY kid and we’ve worked hard to make interactive resources for every age group.

Don’t let fear stop you — God is too great and your kids’ discipleship is too important. Subscribe to God Centered Family and get started today. Learn more here.