God never refuses to hear us

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh Lord, we remember with the greatest gratitude the many occasions in which you have heard our cry."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


Oh Lord, in looking back we are obliged to remember with the greatest gratitude the many occasions in which you have heard our cry. We have been brought into deep distress and our heart has sunk within us, and then we cried to you and you have never refused to hear us. The prayers of our lusts you have rejected, but the prayers of our necessities you have granted. Not one good thing has failed of all that you have promised.



“Will not God grant justice to his elect who cry out to him day and night? Will he delay helping them?” (Luke 18:7)

He hears their prayers for a long time because it does not weary him. It pleases him, he loves to hear their sighs and cries, but will he not yield to their entreaties? What think you? Shall not the good, gracious, loving God yield at length?


A Practical Guide to Childlike Prayer

Jesus taught us to pray like little children — in desperate need, bold assurance, and with eager expectations. Unfortunately, our prayer lives are often more characterized by cynicism than childlike faith.

If you want to grow your ability to pray like a little child again (and see God do amazing things in response!), you really need to check out 21 Days to Childlike Prayer by Jed Coppenger.

This book is unlike any other I’ve ever seen. Each day, it will give you a short reading and a challenge that you can immediately apply to your prayer life. It is inspiring, encouraging, and will bear long-term fruit immediately in your prayer life.

This book has really strengthened my prayer life and I know it will strengthen yours! I hope you’ll grab a copy and read it this summer.