God made us, help us love him

🛐 Daily Prayer: "O Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness, come to you for all supplying all of our needs."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


O Lord God, the fountain of all fullness, we, who are nothing but emptiness, come to you for all supplying all of our needs. We first adore your blessed and ever-to-be-beloved name. All the earth worships you, the Father everlasting. Heaven is full of your glory. Oh, that men’s hearts were filled with that glory, that the noblest creatures you have made, whom you set in the Paradise of God, for whom the Savior shed his blood, loved you with all their hearts. The faithful, chosen, called, and separated, join in the everlasting song. All your redeemed praise you, oh God!



“When I observe your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place, what is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him?” (Psalm 8:3–4)

Though he is an object of the paternal care and mercy of the Most High, yet he is but as a grain of sand to the whole earth, when compared to the countless myriads of beings that people the amplitudes of creation. What is the whole of this globe on which we dwell compared with the solar system, which contains a mass of matter ten thousand times greater? What is it in comparison of the hundred millions of suns and worlds which by the telescope have been described throughout the starry regions?


This week, we’re praying for the Duano of Indonesia.

There have never been any Duano Christians. They have no church they could attend, books they could read, or even any Christian acquaintances who can share with them. If they are going to know Christ, missionaries from the outside will have to go to tell them.

Pray that missionaries would go to the Duano of Indonesia.


Teach kids the truth about creation

This week we are praising God as the creator of all things. Whenever we think about the doctrine of creation, I’m sure your mind quickly goes to the book of Genesis, where we read the stunning account of God creating all things by the word of his power. Genesis is an important book, and it’s an important book to read to our kids.

Our hearts are captivated by stories, and today there are a lot of stories about where the world comes from, what it all means, and how to tell right from wrong. Equip your children to stand firm by steeping them in the truth of God’s story. Genesis explains that God created the world for his glory, so he gets to declare right from wrong. Your kids needs Genesis.

Family devotionals from God Centered Family start with Genesis and cover all of Scripture. We’ll give you everything you need to teach your kids the Bible and lead your kids to be lifelong followers of Jesus.