God loves to bless his people

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Oh, hear the voice of your servants this day, and according to your infinite love and wisdom answer us; according to your riches in glory, by Christ Jesus."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. (We’ll be back on Monday!)


Blessed are you, oh God; teach us your statutes! Because you are the infinitely blessed one, you can impart blessing and you are infinitely willing to do so. Therefore we approach you with great confidence through Jesus Christ your Son, whom you have made blessed forevermore. Oh, hear the voice of your servants this day, and according to your infinite love and wisdom answer us; according to your riches in glory, by Christ Jesus.



“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Have no care, but much prayer. Prayer is the cure for worry. If you are in trouble, “Let your requests be made known,” not to your neighbors, but “to God.”


A Fresh Walk Through Jesus’ Life*

Jesus’ incomparable life and ministry on earth has been faithfully preserved in the four Gospels that begin our New Testament — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. If you want to know what Jesus really is like, look to these books before you look to any teacher who claims a new revelation.

Of course, the Gospels are deep books. While we can understand them on our own, we really can benefit a lot from faithful teachers who walk through these books, verse-by-verse, and help us plunge the depths.

One teacher who has walked through all of the Gospels is JC Ryle. His seven-volume series, “Expository Thoughts on the Gospels” is worth its weight in gold.

This nearly 200-year-old series has just been modernized to be more readable for people today!

(The content hasn’t changed at all — just lightly updated)

This series walks through all of the Gospels, verse-by-verse, with clear exegesis and specific application.

Ryle’s writings will show you the glory of Jesus and challenge you to follow in his steps.

This is an AMAZING series that will never stop benefiting any Christian who reads it.

And that’s why 10ofThose (an amazing online Christian bookstore/publisher) is GIVING AWAY ONE FREE BOXSET of this amazing seven-volume series.

Anyone can enter to win (just tap the link in my bio) — and EVERYONE who enters to win will receive a coupon code to purchase the series at 50% off.

10ofThose produced this series and is running this giveaway because they believe in the power of God’s Word and the power of Ryle’s “Thoughts.” You don’t want to miss this giveaway!

(Everyone who enters will also receive a coupon for 50% off the complete set.)