God is a gracious giver to the weak

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Glorious benefactor, we can meet you on good terms, for we are full of poverty, we are just as empty as we can be."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week. (We’ll be back on Monday!)


Glorious benefactor, we can meet you on good terms, for we are full of poverty, we are just as empty as we can be. We could not be more abjectly dependent than we are. Since you will display your mercy, here is our sin; since you will show your strength, here is our weakness; since you will manifest your lovingkindness, here are our needs; since you will glorify your grace, here are we, such persons as can never have a shadow of a hope except through your grace, for we are undeserving, ill-deserving, hell-deserving, and if you do not magnify your grace in us we must perish forever.



“In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.” (Romans 8:26)

I think that if anywhere our weaknesses come out, it is in prayer; even the strongest are, on their knees, comparatively weak. How few there are among us that prevail with God, as Elijah did! We ought to do so. We need, none of us, to stop short of the fullest stature of a man in Christ Jesus, and a man of full stature in Christ would surely carry the keys of heaven’s treasury. He would have but to ask and to receive—to seek and to find. May the Spirit help our weakness.


This week, we’re praying for the Grangali of Afghanistan.

There have never been any Christians, missionaries, churches among the Grangali. They have no Bible or Christian resources in their language. Even if they wanted to trust Jesus, they could never hear about him. “How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)

Pray that God would send missionaries to the Grangali of Afghanistan.


What is a people group (and why does it matter?)

This week, I added a new feature to Pray with Spurgeon, focusing on a different unreached people group each week. (Let me know if you like this feature!)

From cover to cover in Scripture, God is showing that he loves people from all tribes, tongues, and nations. Unfortunately, many Christians don’t understand how important of a biblical theme this is.

If you want to dive deep into God’s heart for all nations and understand why this is such a crucial thing for all Christians to understand (not just missionaries), check out Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper. This is a really important book that really simply explains the global heart and glory of our God. This book changed my life and I know it is powerful to change yours too.