God, our Father — the sweetest name!

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Children should be like their fathers. There are many children who bear, in their very faces, evidence of their sonship."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on God the Father.

Over the next five days, we will learn more about what it means to approach God as our Father. Next week, we’ll highlight a different theme.


Our Father, for that is the sweetest title by which we can address you, we pray that you would save us entirely from sin. There are many in your presence who are resting in the peace which comes from justification by faith. We know that we are righteous through the righteousness of another, even Jesus Christ; but we pant and pine for personal likeness to you. If you are our Father, then upon every child of yours should be the Father’s image impressed: so let it be.

We ask you, Lord, to enable us to recognize our death to sin; and when it tempts us may we be deaf to the voice of the charmer with the deafness of death; and when it would use our members as instruments of unrighteousness, may we be quite incapable thereof with the incapacity of death.



As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance…. for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:14, 16)

Observe the reason for obedience to the command: “because I am holy.” Children should be like their fathers. There are many children who bear, in their very faces, evidence of their sonship. You know who their fathers were by the image that the children bear. Oh, that was always so with all the children of God: “You will be holy, because I am holy.”


A New Poetry Book to Help You Love God*

Reflecting on the amazing grace of God was one of the most prominent themes in Spurgeon’s poetry. Reading Spurgeon’s poems is such a gift, as Spurgeon consistently points us to find true and lasting joy in the character of God.

These poems are a powerful tool to increase the love for God in our hearts. And that’s why it’s REALLY great news that they’re being published for the FIRST TIME in just a few weeks (May 15).

The book is called Christ Our All and you can get a copy for 40% off if you pre-order this month! I can’t wait to hear about how God uses it in your life.