God is Everywhere

🛐 Daily Prayer: "Our longing is to feel your presence, and it is the heaven of heavens that you are there. The sick bed is soft when you are there."

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

Thanks for praying with us this week! (We’ll be back on Monday)


We can truly say that we delight in God. There was a time when we feared you, oh God, with the fear of slavery. Now we revere, but we love as much as we revere. The thought of your omnipresence was once horrible to us. We said: “where shall we flee from his presence?” and it seemed to make hell itself more dreadful, because we heard a voice, “If I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there.”

But now, oh Lord, we desire to find you. Our longing is to feel your presence, and it is the heaven of heavens that you are there. The sick bed is soft when you are there. The furnace of affliction grows cool when you are there, and the house of prayer when you are present is none other than the house of God, and it is the very gate of heaven.



“So then, dear friends, since we have these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from every impurity of the flesh and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1)

The text shows that Christians are prompted by the most sacred of motives—“the fear of God.” An abiding sense of God’s presence, a perpetual feeling of our obligations to our Creator and Redeemer produces a reverent fear of God. Such a constant fear as this is the source of Christian holiness.


A Bible Study for Husbands

Husbands, we are called to lay down our lives in service for our wives — how can we grow to be the sacrificial leader that God has called us to be?

I’ve created a resource, The God Centered Husband Bible Study Workbook to teach guys two things:

  1. How to study the Bible.

  2. How to be the husbands God has called them to be.

sYou can use it one your own, in a small group, or in one-on-one Bible study. If you’re a husband, grab a copy for yourself and a guy you know.

If you’re a wife, grab a copy for your husband.
(Trust me, he’ll thank you)