God is crushing Satan

🛐 Daily Prayer: "The battle between God and the powers of darkness has never been uncertain. We praise your name, that now it is forever sure to end in victory"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks

This week, our prayers and Scripture readings each day will focus on God’s power over the devil. Next week, we’ll highlight a different theme. Invite a friend to pray with you by sending them this link.


Great God, we bless you that the battle between yourself and the powers of darkness has never been uncertain. We praise your name, that now it is forever sure to end in victory. Our hearts this morning, amidst the struggles of the present day, would look back to the conflicts of Calvary, and see how our Lord broke the dragon’s head there forever.

Oh help us to know this morning that we are contending with a vanquished enemy, that we go forth to fight against one who, with all his subtlety and all his strength, has already been overthrown by him who is our covenant head, our leader, our husband, our all.



“Now the serpent was the most cunning of all the wild animals that the LORD God had made.” (Genesis 3:1)

The only way to repel Satan’s subtlety is by acquiring true wisdom. Again I repeat it: man has none of that wisdom in himself. What then? Here is true wisdom: if we would successfully wrestle with Satan, we must make the Holy Scriptures our daily resort. Out of this sacred book we must continually draw our armor and our ammunition. We must lay hold on the glorious doctrines of God’s Word—make them our daily meat and drink. So will we be strong to resist the devil and joyful in discovering that he will flee.


How to Keep Kids Safe from Pornography*

We want our kids to be protected from sexually explicit media and people, but in a hyper-connected world, that’s harder than ever. This is why I’m really thankful for “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids,” a FREE course for parents from Harvest USA.

This course will give you everything you need to have safe, biblical conversations about sex and sexuality. It provides a lot of great, practical tools for protecting your kids (online and off!), but it is more focused on helping you understand and address each kid’s heart. This course is a goldmine of biblical help for parents — I hope you’ll enroll today!