God can strengthen our faith

🛐 Daily Prayer: "We would humbly ask you to strengthen us as to our future confidence in you"

Pray with Spurgeon

Daily Newsletter from SpurgeonBooks


With thankfulness in our hearts, we would humbly ask you to strengthen us as to our future confidence in you. Are there any of your servants, anywhere all over the world, whose confidence begins to fail them, by reason of present affliction or deep depression of spirit? We beg you, strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die; and let their faith no longer waver, but may they become strong in the Lord in full assurance of faith.

Oh God, you know the burden of every heart before you, the secret sighing of the prisoner comes up into your ears. Some of us are not able to understand our circumstances, others are suffering physically. Some are sorely cast down in themselves, and others deeply afflicted with the trials of those they love, but as for all these burdens, our soul would cast them on the Lord—in quietness and confidence shall be our strength.



“So the other disciples were telling him, ‘We’ve seen the Lord!’ But he said to them, ‘If I don’t see the mark of the nails in his hands, put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe.’” (John 20:25)

There is something good about that declaration of Thomas, for a man is not bound to believe merely on the testimony of others. He should, if he can, endeavor to get evidence for himself, and as Christ is still alive, the very best thing is to go to him.

But there was also much that Thomas said which was very wrong; he had no right to demand that he should see the nail-prints in Christ’s hands. When we ask for signs and wonders from God, and say that we will not believe except we have them, we are guilty of very presumptuous conduct. We are bound to look for evidence concerning Christ; but when the evidence is sufficient, we ought not out of curiosity to crave for more.


Calling Our Kids to Purity*

There is no area of life that God’s Word doesn’t speak to (and so there should be no area of our kids’ lives that we aren’t equipped to speak about with biblical confidence.

This even includes sexuality and purity. We have a duty to protect our kids from sexually explicit material and inappropriate sexual contact or abuse.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start, or if you want practical tips for advancing the conversation, check out “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids.”

This is a FREE video course for parents to help you teach your kids God’s truth about sexuality, purity, pornography, sin, repentance, and more.